Post Archives Category: Poker Strategy

What’s Your Play Follow-Up

I know I promised earlier this week that I’d follow-up with more on optimal multi-street bluffing frequency. It proved to be a more thorny problem than I anticipated, and while I still don’t have a definitive answer, you’ll get a chance … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Worst Card to Bluff

Thanks for all the comments on What’s Your Play? Worst Card to Bluff, and sorry that I’ve been slow in getting this results post up. It’s possibly a result of the fact that I’ve been driving back across the country … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Worst Card to Bluff

This one comes from a $5/$10 no-limit hold ’em game at the Venetian. I’m new to the table, initially bought in for $1000 but relatively quickly decided to load up enough to cover the table. I don’t think I’ve done … Read more…

Free, High-Quality Poker Strategy Content

Pardon the spammy title, but I’ve got some seriously good material to share with you. First and foremost is the second installment in a series of free coaching videos I’m making with Andre Coimbra. Together we review his deep run … Read more…

Final Table Bubble Strategy

I’ve got a new video series going up on Tournament Poker Edge which deals with strategy for playing the final table bubble. It will be a three-part series, with one part dedicated to each of big-, medium-, and short-stacked play. … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Underrepresented Top Pair

My main event run came to an end early on Day 3 in unspectacular fashion. I do, however, currently have an above average stack going into the $5000 Venetian Deep Stacks main event. I don’t think any hands from those … Read more…

What’s Your Play? 2B or Not 2B Results

Thanks for the comments on the river bluffing What’s Your Play? I was actually surprised not to get more comments on this one, because the impression I get is that many people don’t feel comfortable in their ability to make … Read more…

What’s Your Play? 2B or Not 2B

I know it’s a little early for a What’s Your Play?, but I decided to publish my report from this tournament elsewhere so this hand is sort of a stand in before I move on to the next one. Patient … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Flopped Set vs Weak Bet

It’s early in a $1500 WSOP event, and we’re playing 10-handed. Hero has been one of the more active players at the table but hasn’t done anything especially crazy or noteworthy. Villain is a middle-aged white woman, pretty clearly an … Read more…

New Poker Strategy Material

I’ve got a new series going up on Tournament Poker Edge. It’s a continuation of my hand history review from the $300 2x Chance WCOOP, with a new emphasis on late game play and stealing and restealing dynamics. I also … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

This hand comes from level 3 of the $1500 “Millionaire Maker” WSOP event, a two-day affair expected to draw a field of 5000+. With just 4500 starting chips, preflop shoves were commonplace. They’ll be commonplace in lots of the low … Read more…

Gray Monday

My latest article, which is something like half tournament poker strategy and half navel-gazing in the tradition of Gray Friday and Three Days in Madrid, is now appearing in 2+2 Magazine: A lot of people, in the wake of the … Read more…

Weird Line, Big Fold

I thought about posting this one as a “What’s Your Play?”, but I think it’s too weird and the flop check would be too much of a distraction from the turn decision, so I’m just going to post it and … Read more…

Winning, Losing, and Bluffing

I received this email as a mailbag question, but I think the author makes a good point well and I don’t really have anything to add to it, so I’m just going to post it here for everyone to read. … Read more…

Mailbag: Negative EV Gambles

This question was posted in response to my analysis of a hand in which the Hero had to make a decision, for most if not all of his stack, with pocket Jacks facing an early position raise, a call, and … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Kings on an Ace River

Edit: Hey look, a mistake in a WYP post! Been a while since that happened… At least this was a minor one. My preflop raise was to 150, and I’ve adjusted pot size to reflect that. Sorry for any confusion. … Read more…

Learning to Look Left

Card Player just published one of my articles about a challenge that I gave myself at the casino one night when it became clear that the game I wanted to play wasn’t going to go off: Rather than leave immediately, … Read more…

The Exception That Proves the Rule

In the results post for What’s Your Play? Overpair on Dry Flop, I cited a quote from Zach Ellwood, author of Reading Poker Tells, about opponents who comment on the texture of the board: “players who actually connect with the … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Rivered Top Pair Results

Thanks for all the comments on What’s Your Play? Rivered Top Pair. This was an interesting one for me because although there were quite a few different opinions, no one suggested what I consider to be the best play. I … Read more…

Idealistic Extremes

Whether or not you’re participating in the April Bookclub, I hope you’ll find my latest poker strategy article, “Idealistic Extremes“, to be of interest. It extrapolates on the meaning of a key phrase from Tommy Angelo’s introduction to Elements of … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Rivered Top Pair

This is the fourth hand of a six-max tournament on a .FR site. Hero (who is not me) and Villain are both readless on each other. Blinds are 50/100, both players have roughly 20K to start the hand. Villain opens … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Overpair on Dry Flop Results

Thanks to everyone who commented on What’s Your Play? Overpair on Dry Flop. I realize that in some sense this isn’t a very interesting spot, because nothing out of the ordinary has happened and I’m not going to advocate some … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Overpair on Dry Flop

Playing 10-handed $1/$3 no-limit hold ’em. Villain has roughly $300, Hero covers. Villain is relatively new to the table, but he’s already complaining, good-naturedly but often, about how he’s getting nothing but bad cards. Before looking at his cards this … Read more…

The Calling Demon

You pay off too much. You have trouble letting go of big hands. Bad calls on early streets get you into trouble later. You call when you know you’re beat, saying things like, “I had to,” or “I was priced … Read more…

The Hardest Player to Bluff

Often, when I’m in a smaller stakes game waiting for a seat in the bigger game to open up, I use it as an opportunity to practice my discipline. Generally it’s easier to pick up physical tells, betting tendencies, etc. … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Small Pot, Big Hand

Thanks for all the comments on this week’s What’s Your Play? There was a lot of disagreement, which is understandable since multiple players are defensible. The important thing is your reasoning behind your choice. Brief Comments on Earlier Streets The … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Small Pot, Big Hand

This WYP should be of particular interest to fans of my Getting Paid series on Tournament Poker Edge. We’re heads up at the first table of a $500 NLHE Shootout WCOOP event. (In a shootout, they don’t break tables. Instead … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Making Yourself a Target Results

This week’s What’s Your Play? highlights an important point about how to integrate an opponent’s physical tells into your decision-making process. Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, it’s not something that you can do in a vacuum: TeddyKGB … Read more…

What’s Your Plan? Making Yourself a Target

Edit: Just realized the first paragraph of this post disappeared for some reason. Rewriting it now. In his opinion, Hero hasn’t been that aggressive, but that isn’t how this loose and passive $1/$3 no-limit hold ’em table sees it. I’ve … Read more…

Getting Paid

My new video series at Tournament Poker Edge is called Getting Paid, and it’s about getting money into the pot when you have the best hand. The first video in this five-part series, which was just released, is about identifying … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Min-Raised on the River Results

Thanks for the comments on this week’s WYP, everyone. You all seem to agree with my thinking during the hand, which was that Villain’s line just doesn’t make sense. People often use that as an excuse to call, since they … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Min-Raised on the River

I haven’t posted in a while so I figured I’d go ahead and put up an early WYP. Villain is a regular but for whatever reason we don’t have a lot of experience playing together. From what little I’ve seen … Read more…

The Button Tax

It occurs to me that, although my latest poker strategy article has been up since the beginning of the month, I haven’t actually mentioned it here yet. You can read The Button Tax in Two Plus Two Magazine to learn … Read more…

What’s Your Plan? Flopped Straight, Board Pairs on Turn

The Game: $1/$3/$6 no-limit hold ’em. Plays loose-passive pre-flop but gets progressively more tight-passive as pots get larger. Villain 1 ($1800): Best of the regulars in this Hero’s opinion. He’s 30ish, seems comfortable playing 200+ BB pots when it’s warranted, … Read more…

What’s His Hand? Nit vs LAG Results

Wow, thanks for all the comments on What’s His Hand? Nit vs LAG! For whatever reason this post generated more guesses and discussion than any other WYP. And sorry for the delay in getting results up – I just ran … Read more…

What’s His Hand? Nit vs LAG

In honor of my first video series at Tournament Poker Edge, here’s a twist on the “What’s Your Play?” theme with an emphasis on hand reading. Five-handed $5/$5 no-limit hold ’em game. Villain bought in about an hour ago for … Read more…

Way Ahead/Way Behind and Other Common Situations

My latest poker strategy article, “Way Ahead/Way Behind and Other Common Situations“, is now appearing in the January edition of Two Plus Two Magazine. It re-examines the standard advice for way ahead/way behind situations and then applies that logic to … Read more…

Mailbag: Implied Odds in a Multiway Pot

Q:Game is 2/5 and involves three players: A-$350(SB) B-$500(hero, MP)T/T C-$650(Button) action is limped by1 player(B) to Button that raises to $25, folds to BB and he re pops it for $85 total… now here is the question, given a … Read more…

What’s Your Play? A LAG Picks Up a Hand Results

Not too much controversy surrounding this week’s “What’s Your Play?”, but interestingly I think it nevertheless generated some of the best comments. Nearly everyone advocated folding, so let’s start by considering the alternatives: Shoving Hero risks, roughly, 800 to win … Read more…

What’s Your Plan? A LAG Picks Up a Hand

Edit: Villain is the BB (the $3 blind). Ten-handed live $1/$3/$6 game. Hero is the only player at the table with a pre-flop raise percent greater 5 (it’s close to 15). As such, I’m perceived as an insanely aggressive bully … Read more…

Capping Ranges in Live Poker

My latest poker strategy article, Capping Ranges in Live Poker, has just been published in 2+2 Magazine. Using examples from the Borgata Poker Open, I demonstrate what you can get away with when your opponents are kind enough to broadcast … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Straight on Three-Flush River

Sorry for the delay, new podcast episode should be up tomorrow. Here’s something to keep you busy in the meantime. Shortly after dinner break at the $2500 Borgata Poker Open, re-entry period is over. Table is reasonably tough for this … Read more…

Flop 3-Bet Bluff

Edit: Wow somehow this was up for more than three days without anyone asking what my hand was? Sorry I forgot to include it, as I hinted in some of my responses to comments, it was kind of relevant. I … Read more…

Mailbag: Going Crazy With a Low Flush

Q: My son and I have different opinions on a hand I played this week and would love to here your take. The game is live 1-2 and I have been running crazy good and only showing down big hands. … Read more…

Winning in a Tight Game

My latest poker strategy article, Winning in a Tight Game, is now available from the Card Player website. As the name suggests, it draws on some of my recent experiences in nitty live games to talk about how and why … Read more…

What’s Your Play? Heads Up With Liv Boeree Results

Thanks for all the comments on this week’s “What’s Your Play?”. You all asked some thought-provoking questions as well, and I’m sorry that I haven’t responded to all of them. Hopefully this post will address the ones I’ve missed. Flop … Read more…

Telling a Story With Your Value Bets

My latest poker strategy article, Telling a Story With Your Value Bets, is now appearing in the 2+2 Magazine. Drawing on examples from the WCOOP, it explores the corollary of that old saw about telling a story with your bluffs: … Read more…

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