No-Limit Hold’em, $50.00 BB (9 handed) – Hold’em Manager Converter Tool from
UTG+1 ($3450)
MP1 ($5000)
MP2 ($5422)
MP3 ($4925)
CO ($3521)
Button ($9048)
SB ($4750)
BB ($8768)
Hero (UTG) ($5763)
Preflop: Hero is UTG with 8, 8
Hero calls $50, UTG+1 calls $50, 1 fold, MP2 calls $50, 1 fold, CO calls $50, 1 fold, SB calls $25, BB checks
Flop: ($300) A, 8
, 4
(6 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $222, UTG+1 calls $222, MP2 calls $222, CO calls $222, 2 folds
Turn: ($1188) 3 (4 players)
Hero bets $899, UTG+1 calls $899, MP2 raises $5150 (All-In), 1 fold, Hero raises $4592 (All-In), 1 fold
River: ($12387) 10 (2 players, 2 all-in)
Total pot: $12387
Hero had 8, 8
(three of a kind, eights).
MP2 had 4, 4
(three of a kind, fours).
Outcome: Hero won $12725
This is a pretty unique spot where there’s just no way bottom set is good. I bet into five players on a super-dry Ace-high flop. After getting called in three spots, including by CO, who is a fish who is not going to let go of any Ace without a fight, I bet out again on the turn. Not only that, but UTG+1, who’s a pretty decent player, is showing a ton of strength by calling twice. It’s awfully tough to put all three of us on hands that are losing to 44, and even harder to come up with worse hands that are calling a shove.
There are three Aces, three 8’s, and one 4 unaccounted for (from his perspective). Best case scenario, the fish has a bare Ace, so that leaves two Aces unaccounted for. If neither UTG+1 nor I has a set, then we must both have Aces Up. It’s pretty unlikely for either of us to have A8o or A4o, so there aren’t too many combinations of A8s or A4s for us to have (As4s, Ad8d, As8s). Weigh that against three possible combos of 88 that any of us could have and one combo of AA that I could have (since we’re assuming CO has an Ace in his hand).
On top of that, it would be pretty bad for either of us to call his shove with two pair (except maybe Ad8d, which also a flush draw), and there really aren’t draws to protect against, so while I think he may be able to fold the turn, I definitely think shoving is bad.
Interesting. Just two days ago I was on the bad end of a similar spot, the rare situation in which I only retrospectively realized that I had had enough information to fold bottom set on a dry flop, but didn’t put the pieces together until it was too late. See:
I agree if there was a spot to fold bottom set this clearly would be it with the action that has taken place. My question is are you usually limping 88 here in this spot instead of raising it? What other hands would you limp UTG like this? Is it game dependent where you don’t think that this will be exploited?
Yeah, I limp a decent amount from early position at full ring tables. I did a whole video about it for Poker Savvy Plus, but the bottom line is that I usually limp small to medium pairs, sometimes good suited connectors, sometimes stuff like AKo or AQs, and sometimes big pairs. If raised, I pretty much always re-raise the big pairs and the AK. I usually either call or fold the pairs, I sometimes call the AQs/AJs, and sometimes re-raise the suited connectors. It’s probably not perfect, but it’s balanced enough for a situation that doesn’t come up too frequently and that no one’s really putting much effort into exploiting.
I think the presence of the fish in the hand actually makes it closer than it would be without him, cause imo it’s not impossible you’re betting like AJ-AK and UTG+1 calls you with AQ/AK, knowing that you’ll value bet your Ax hands to get value from the fish. What I don’t like at all is his shove on the turn cause on such a dry board I can’t see any worse hands call him. However I think the fish in the hand makes it closer between a fold and a call on the turn.