Guess the Guest

Hey gang. I’m likely to be tied up this evening and not able to post the new podcast. If that happens, which is likely, it will go up tomorrow.

In the meantime, here’s a little game we can play. I’ll give you some clues about the guest, and you try to guess who it is. Topics of conversation include:

a) how playing multi-table tournaments can make you a better turbo sit-and-go player

b) selecting a charity and donating money

c) living with a romantic partner who is also a professional poker player

Sorry for the (likely) delay!

12 thoughts on “Guess the Guest”

  1. are we allowed to “out” any players? I mean, seems discriminatory for me to only think of male/female couples.

    Does Vanessa’s partner play online?

    My guess thus is Vanessa as guest (Rousso or Selbst/2 for one deal 🙂 )


  2. and yes, the above is a critique of my own “jumping to conclusions” as I tried to go through some possibilities.


  3. I’m a big fan of the player and I know which answer is correct, but I won’t spoil it. If you haven’t seen all the material in media on this person, maybe you wouldn’t know all of these facts but at least some of them should jump out at you right away.

    Good one Andrew.

  4. Andre Coimbra! Hope he’s back to recap his experience with the Challenge.

    I’ve been binge-listening the archives and just listened to the discussion about setting results-oriented goals (eps 32. and 34). I remember hearing a more two-dimensional show, probably the Pokercast, stating that Coimbra failed in his Challenge. That’s only true if the primary purpose of the Challenge was to hit the $100k mark. That seems wrong to me – to me the Challenge was largely successful, in that Andre ran $100 up to ~$70k, learned an incredible amount about a relatively unfamiliar (to him) poker format, and donated a shit-ton to charity, all the while creating some great poker content on his blog to show how these things are both possible and valuable.

  5. Either Andre Coimbra as he has been donating money to charity and playing sit n gos recently but I don’t know anything about his girlfriend. Even if no one guesses the answer, this will probably end up being a good guide for seeing a shortlist of guests the listeners want to see on the show.

    Gareth has to come back soon after his big TCOOP win!

  6. Is your guest has the same name as a Portuguese town where we can find one of the oldest universities in Europe ?

  7. Ethics question: do I have an unfair advantage in this contest?

    -Sean Lango
    Thinking Poker Podcast Audio Editor

  8. Now that it’s over I’ll say that Andrew and I talked about this before the game started. Moshman was a pretty good guess I have to admit.

    If you hadn’t followed Andre much you may not have known about his girlfriend’s career but might have remembered about the other two from his first appearance.

    Heads up. When posting about this, be careful of the many possible Andrew/Andre typos. I mixed them up a bunch and barely recognized what I was reading when I checked it.

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