Single Draw Winner Take All This Sunday

Edit: Well this was a little premature. In light of recent events I will in all likelihood not be able to play in the Home Game this Sunday. Unless Stars automatically unregisters me, my dollar will stay in the prize pool, so phat overlay for those who do play!

Sorry again about the tournament that was supposed to take place last Sunday. We will be having a Thinking Poker Home Game $1.10 2-7 NL WTA SINGLE DRAW (disregard the title of the tournament, that was a mistake and the only way to edit it is to cancel the tournament) this Sunday, April 17th, at 16:30 ET. Results will count towards league standings.

If you’re not already a member, you can join by searching Club ID 312467 in the PokerStars Home Game Lobby and using ID Code “foucault”.

Special thanks to Birchum, who has already registered in the 5 minutes since I scheduled the tournament!

I’ll be playing, and I hope to see you there!

14 thoughts on “Single Draw Winner Take All This Sunday”

  1. “The government takes all.”
    Last developments are just indication of rapidly deteriorating democracy.
    It is just beginning of the end.

    • Meh. I think there are about a zillion better examples of “deteriorating democracy” that have to do with far more important issues than online poker.

      • 100% agree. This is just snippet -something like 5$ ATM,etc.My feeling are with all US people who lost their job overnight.

  2. Hi Andrew,

    Been waiting for your take on the big news, which I’m sure would be very insightfull.

    Can we expect a post from the poker ethicist about it? (are you even allowed to talk about it?).



  3. Hey Andrew,

    Thought I’d share something positive with everything negative that’s happening.
    They held a debate tournament in my area this week for community college students:

    I was surprised to read that a couple of the students at been recruited and given scholarships by 4 years schools for debate. I thought that was great.

    I’m also eagerly anticipating your thoughts on the indictment. (Maybe you’ll get more actively involved in debate or some other charitable cause?) I understand if it might be a while considering your relationship with PS. I’ve read about 1/2 of the 80 page civil complaint,, and even though I don’t think online poker is a crime or against UGIEA, the way they deceived banks to process transactions is illegal (if proven true) and seems unethical to me. It’s definitely going to look bad to the general public. Anyone playing knew this was going on, so in a way we are all complicit.

    • That’s cool about the CC debate thing! I was vaguely aware of that movement from my own college debate days but never really kept up with it. Glad to see it caught your eye, and thanks for sharing it.

  4. You can sleep tight.. Your dollar is not part of the prize pool. We’re with six only playing for yes…. 6$!

    Candyshop here I come!

  5. When US catches a cold, Canada sneezes. It won’t be long before we follow the footsteps of the US concerning online poker. Good luck to you Andrew. Always enjoy your blog. I imagine you have a lot to say on this matter and we look forward to your thoughts.

    • I know some people have been saying that but I don’t see why it would be true. My understanding is that Canada doesn’t tax gambling winnings, which seems crazy to me. Seems like if they have problem with online poker that’s what they ought to do, thought we’ve been saying the same about the US for years.

      • I’m not a big enough winner for CRA [Canada Revenue Agency] to care about, but I know lottery winnings are NOT taxed so I would assume that poker winnings aren’t taxed either. However, my understanding of the cheating comes down to the top brass hiding earnings by claiming bogus deductions. I would assume these owners would be taxed in all countries they operated in, including Canada. Just a matter of time????

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