
Oooph. Man I feel like I just got brutalized all month, but the truth is that I was nearly even until about 10 days ago, and then things really hit the skids. It was some combination of running bad, getting frustrated, and once finding myself in an expensive game with a player who may have been better than I thought.

On the plus side, I got in a lot of hands this month, nearly 38K. Unfortunately, I ran at -1 BB/100, which combined with a continued failure to thrive in tournaments, resulted in my worst month ever. It was enough to wipe out the gains of February and then some. I haven’t added in my rakeback yet, and hopefully that will be substantial, but either way I’ve got some rebuilding to do.

Also, I played NLHE cash games almost exclusively, so I’m not going to bother with PLO or tournament stats or anything. I’m now just under 2 BB/100 for the year, which isn’t great, but still means I’m making decent money given the stakes I’m playing. I’m at about 80% of where I wanted to be for the year, but honestly if I continue at this pace for the rest of 2008, I’d have no room to complain. Downswings are always frustrating when you’re in them, but my big picture is still bright, so I try to focus on that. Here’s my really swingy graph for the first quarter of the year:

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