I’m not exaggerating, I really can not think of another hand that I’ve seen played as badly as this guy played his JJ. The only other contender is when people in tournaments post like half their stack in the BB and then fold getting a bazillion to one because they have like T5 or something. But I still think this is probably worse:
Full Tilt Poker – No Limit Hold’em Cash Game – $5/$10 Blinds – 9 Players – (LegoPoker Hand History Converter)
SB: $1,332.00
BB: $1,467.50
UTG: $950.70
UTG+1: $3,776.40
MP1: $990.00
Hero (MP2): $1,004.00
MP3: $954.00
CO: $526.25
BTN: $4,049.45
Preflop: Hero is dealt A T
(9 Players)
UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $10.00, MP1 folds, Hero raises to $45.00, 5 folds, UTG+1 calls $35.00
Flop: ($105) A 6
(2 Players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks
Turn: ($105) 9 (2 Players)
UTG+1 bets $360.00, Hero raises all-in to $959.00, UTG+1 calls $599.00
River: ($2023) 6 (2 Players – 1 All-In)
Pot Size: $2,023.00 ($3 Rake)
UTG+1 had J J
(two pair, Jacks and Nines) and LOST (-$1,004.00)
Hero had A T
(two pair, Aces and Nines) and WON (+$1,016.00)
Open-limping and then just calling my raise is clearly not good. By now, I had the guy pegged as a fish, he was open-limping a lot, and I was raising him a lot. If he had reraised, I’d be ok with it. But that’s the least of his problems.
Not that I’d expect this guy to have good hand-reading skills, but really his Jacks are in worse shape when I check this flop than when I bet it. This is a perfect flop to bet no matter what my cards are, so when I don’t bet, it can really only mean that my hand has some showdown value but has to be worried by getting too much action on a board like this.
So now he bets three and a half times the pot on the turn?!?! Betting at all sucks, but there is just no reason to bet so much. I guess it was almost a successful bluff, since I considered folding, but the guy was such a monkey, and I just couldn’t put believe he had trips (yes, that refusal to believe has been costing me money lately, thanks for asking).
As for shoving, from my perspective, I’m showing a ton of strength by calling that bet anyway. Maybe worse hands won’t call my shove, but I can’t really call and fold river, and anything that folds to a turn shove folds to a river shove unless it improves, so I might as well shove now rather than create a reverse implied odds situation where I’m giving a free card to hands that won’t give more action anyway.
Well, it turns out it was a value shove, because this clown decides his Jacks are still good despite the fact that I’m willing to put in nine times the pot on this board. I’m just more and more stunned the more I contemplate what a tremendous moron this guy was.
In other news, I’ve got to go to Chicago again this weekend for a conference of Urban Debate League administrators, so I won’t be playing again until Sunday and probably won’t post again until then either.
The only explanation I can think of is that he meant to bet $36 and then went on monkey tilt/convinced himself you were taking advantage of his misclick.